Saturday, January 07, 2006


I took a walk around my usual neighbourhood path today and it was snowing. Snow was everywhere. Snow was all over the sidewalks, grass, and streets. Snow was falling on my head. The whiteness that covered the community showed that winter is definitely here. It's funny how little pieces of snow pile up together to form layers and layers of burden on people's backs. Funny how if you try really hard to squeeze a handful of snow, you end up with a snowball. Funny how no matter how hard you try, you never get a perfect spherical snowball, and so you try really hard to smooth out the outer layer to make the best possible snowball. But if the snow isnt packing snow, the ball would just crumble away. You need the perfect snow and sometimes, the perfect hands, to make the perfect snowball.
Love is like a snowball. I'm not talking about brotherly love or unconditional love, even though they are definitely important (maybe even more important). I'm talking about love as in relationships. Sometimes, all the right pieces come together to form a beautiful connection, just like the snow coming together to form the snowball. Although a sphere has been crafted, there may be dents or lumps that make the ball imperfect, just like the differences between people in the relationship. You try to fix the ball by smoothing it out, just like you try to compromise each other's miscues, but if the situation isnt right, the ball crumbles away. Everything breaks down. Something that was thought to be crafted so well, crumbles away because the material wasnt the best - it wasnt packing snow.
All of us have snowballs in our lives. There are times when things seem such a nice fit, but only to end up being a mistake. The important thing is to learn from the faults. Even though when you look around and see so many beautiful snowballs, yours may still be in crafting process. Even though your other half aint with your half, but rather being formed with the closest other half you can ever have, maybe the time is to let the Master work on His craft for you. Let His awesome Hands perform the miracle. Let Him lead the way to create the perfect snowball. The past will always remain, yet there is always a future. May the past, present, and near future prevent the deformation of the future perfect snowball. His perfect snowball awaits.
Trust. Hope. Believe.
Never give up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, that's a great way to explain it. very true and thoughtful. for a second when i read the title snowball..i thought you were gonna write about someone throwing a snowball at you! haha..oh well..would have been a funny sight to see.

10:33 PM  
Blogger MLpeasJ said...

*thumbs up*

P.S. My roommate absolutely adores the Devotion song and won't stop playing it! o..0

7:16 PM  
Blogger MLpeasJ said...

Thanks, Donut, is that all I am to you now? A TOOL? To get songs? Huh? Is it? Is it?!! LOL. Jokes. No luck, dood, it looks like only you and my roommate are the only two people on the face of this planet that like that song. =D

7:16 PM  
Blogger MLpeasJ said...

Wow. I posted twice @ 7:16PM. Impressive, huh?

7:17 PM  

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